Deploying a React App

In this simple tutorial, let's go through how we can deploy a React application (create-react-app) on Heroku

React.js is one of the most popular frontend library micro-frameworks which I believe many groups are using. So, let's go through how we can deploy this very easily!

Set up React App#

We can just start off with the template create-react-app

npx create-react-app sample-app
cd sample-app

Let's initialise this as a git repository as we will need this later, as we will be using git to deploy to heroku

git init

Adding Heroku#

  1. Create Heroku application
heroku create

To check if heroku is added to your git repository (you should see heroku)

git remote -v

To check the heroku apps you currently have

heroku apps
  1. Rename the created heroku application
heroku apps:rename <newname> --app <oldname>

When you first create the heroku app, a random name will be given, you will have to rename it yourself

OR if you already created a heroku application on the heroku website, you can link it directly

heroku git:remote -a <nameofherokuapp>

Test Heroku App#

Test the heroku application locally before we push it to heroku remote

heroku local

Open your localhost at specified port. This will be how it will behave on heroku web.

Deploying code#

  1. Push code to heroku
git push heroku main

main or master branch

  1. Open Heroku website!

Open the heroku website at < app name >!